To partner with clients to promote individual health and well-being through exercise, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle coaching which incorporates a holistic approach to wellness: health in mind, body, spirit, community, and environment. Empowering individuals to THRIVE.
To re-imagine wellness as the mutualistic relationship between community health and individual well-being. To support upstream solutions to individual well-being through environmental stewardship, climate action, social justice, and community service. To support community health so community members THRIVE.
Respect; Empowerment, Collaboration; Diversity; Equity; Community; Honesty; Knowledge/Science; Environmental Stewardship; Health and Well-Being
About Coach Janet
Having championed health promotion through wellness lifestyles for over 35 years, Janet’s coaching philosophy maintains a client centered approach. Skilled in individualizing program design, Janet embraces a partnership with clients in goal setting and strategies to foster empowerment and self-efficacy. Janet’s coaching success is grounded in health education strategies, behavior theory, and program evaluation measurements. Clients describe Janet’s coaching style as empathic, compassionate, and encouraging.
Janet’s background includes an undergraduate degree in the exercise sciences and a graduate degree in Public Health. She has multiple certifications: ACE-Medical Exercise Specialist (ACE-MES), ACE-Health Coach, NASM-Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, and RYT200 Certified Yoga Instructor. She has undertaken many roles in the fitness and wellness industry: group exercise instructor, personal trainer, fitness coach, nutrition coach, fitness and wellness director, and health coach. Skilled in synthesizing the scientific research for diverse audiences, Janet has developed and presented wellness workshops, contributed to health science reports, and produced awareness raising newsletters, handouts, posters, and wellness articles. Currently a hiker and backpacker, Janet’s athletic history includes competitive long distance running and figure skating. Janet believes in the value of community service and has organized volunteers for an annual community service opportunity at a local food bank since 2010. Janet’s interests emphasize environmental health and justice, especially in climate health and the effect of climate change on food security. Janet has volunteered for various urban agriculture programs and agroecology research projects in her community.
(Pronouns: she/her/hers)